Had a blast yesterday hosting Brock Anderson, Coca-cola Ergonomics Program Manager, and Principal Consultant of ergo-ology. Brock is a true innovator in ergonomics. His background in biomechanics, kinesiology, and early-career experience in athletics strength & conditioning (Auburn University & Atlanta Falcons) gives Brock a perspective on force & fatigue evaluation that is unique. I learned a lot from Brock yesterday.
The concept behind this type of meeting is to gain a better understanding of the ergo-related needs of industry, share & get feedback on the latest Saturn Ergo technology innovations, and generate a synergistic dialog with the visitor. This is the first such meeting with an industry ergonomics leader in the new Ergonomics Innovation Space in downtown Auburn, AL. The results exceeded anything I could have imagined!
Another objective is to get Auburn University OSE grad students involved. Connor Lusk, AU grad student, and Ergonomics Engineer Intern at Saturn Ergonomics, joined us for lunch at The Depot (really cool restaurant across street in train depot building). After lunch Connor shared with Brock the research-related work she is completing for Saturn Ergonomics.
Anyway, I had major fun and want to thank Brock and Connor.
The Ergo Innovation Space is the new workspace, video studio, meeting place, etc. of Saturn Ergonomics Consulting. Painters are busy today renovating the interior … as I type this from a folding table in the house’s kitchen. After the Ergo Innovation Space is completed, I certainly want to get Brock back for another visit.