Had a blast today working with Michael and Ashwini, Auburn University students and Interns at Saturn Ergonomics. We simply put this week’s software up on the monitor and had a collaborative discussion … sort of the intersection of ergonomics and software development.
Ashwini and I had spent much of this week assembling a large population strength database. This database will feed force & torque strength values into the ergonomics software. This database may eventually serve as a useful resource for ergonomists and researchers working to develop new force & fatigue evaluation models.
Michael made significant advancements this week adding new app features and enhancing UX design of the software. A colleague recently complained that most ergonomics evaluation tools are “not very ergonomic”. That's not a problem with Michael on your team. Michael is a natural in the practical application of software UX. Beyond writing code that works, it’s equally important for software to have great usability.
Can’t wait until next week!